Saturday, November 13, 2010


Even as the initial rush from "The Burst" wears off, I am still incredibly motivated and happy with the progress made this week.

The first was being extremely compliant with going to the gym as scheduled and doing all my required fitness routines. I even threw in extra cardio on one day. The gym was an intimidating place to be at first, as it felt like I was surrounded by people in better shape than me. People who don't feel the need to cough like a maniac after a particularly rigorous stretch on the treadmill. But, you know what, it gets easier. Everyone at the gym is there to improve themselves, whether they are just starting out or they look like they should be on the cover of Bodybuilders Monthly. I'm just one of those people, there to improve myself. So far, no one has seemed bothered by my coughing (which is a good thing in my book).

Another thing that has kept me motivated has been signing up for Dailymile, which is a great fusion of a social networking site and a training log. I've found some people who motivate me to keep pushing myself, and in turn, I can motivate them. Seeing your "stats" ad up and getting that little boost of encouragement from a friend is enough to make any tough workout worth it.

Here is the link to my Dailymile profile, be sure to become my friend:
Wes On DailyMile

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