Monday, November 22, 2010


To be perfectly honest, I was sure my weight was going to hover this morning. My eating was just okay yesterday, but I slept in super late, resulting in only two full meals and one snack. Even with my G-Tube feed, I knew I was going to wake up very very close to my number yesterday. If I hit 114.7 (the magic BMI number) it would be a great day.

Well then.

115.4 lbs
+15.7 lbs in 25 days

First off, go back and look at the other Weighbot screencaps. The BMI number is highlighted in red. Now it's just a neutral dark gray. That's right, I'm out of the Underweight and into the Normal!

Second, I am over 115! I can pretty much categorically say this is the most amount of weight I've had on me since I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Maybe ever. I never had a need to track my weight in high school, but I was always just as thin then. So now, anything above 115 is pushing into new and uncharted waters.

I hit 110, which was returning myself to the top of my baseline. I hit 115, which was getting myself to the peak weight I've been at. Two goals accomplished.

The optimist in me wants to set a big next goal, like 125 by Christmas. But the realist in me thinks 120 is more manageable.

So yeah. 120 by Christmas. Ready?

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