Sunday, November 14, 2010


Many fitness and exercise blogs have the classic "before and after" photos, you know...a picture of the person at the worst unfit form, and then subsequent pictures that track their progress. Usually shirtless and in some unflattering shorts.

I've debated putting photos like that up on here. I did snap some pictures on my phone when I was at my starting low point of 99.7. These were mostly for my trainer to understand my body type. And yeah, I'm totally shirtless and in some horribly unflattering shorts. I'm not sure if I feel 100% comfortable with shirtless pictures of myself easily viewable on the internet just yet, especially since my body was so frail.

As a consolation, I went through my iPhoto archives and pulled a photo from the past where I knew my weight was very low so you could see what my body looked like at that time.

This picture was taken in Summer of 2007. I'm going to guestimate my weight was really close to 100 lbs, if not even under.

This was the last day of a two week roadtrip I took with some friends. The trip was actually incredibly taxing on me. I had contracted a cold right beforehand and it actually had turned into an infection a few days into the trip. I was on oral antibiotics for most of the trip, and combined with the daily rigors of the trip, my weight dropped pretty fast.

Notice the stick-thin arms and very thin face.

In the future, as my weight gain grows, I may feel more comfortable with posting the typical fitness type pictures...hell, I might even post those horrible shirtless photos from when I was 99.7 as proof of how much progress I will have made.

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